Flash Roguelike: Dance of Death

With the relaunch of this site as a blog comes a piece of great news: I am currently working on a Flash ActionScript 3.0-based roguelike game tentatively titled Dance of Death.
This time I am keeping it simple, staying away from the over-ambitious trap that bogs down so many indie games’ development. As an added bonus, I am staying on track by following Radomir “The Sheep” Dopieralski’s very helpful guide How to Write a Roguelike in 15 Steps.
Developing on AS3 comes with all the benefits of a managed language (as well as the inefficiencies, to be fair), but has the added bonus of being painlessly crossplatform. Dance of Death runs in a browser window as long as you have Flash Player 10 installed.
With both the site and the game I am taking a “release early, release often” approach, so I will be polishing the rough edges off of this custom WordPress theme, as well as posting a technical demo of the game shortly!
Keep an eye on this space for game development and design thoughts, as well as game updates.
I look forward to the debut. Wanna test it out as soon as it’s released.
Is the game available to play? If not the current version in development then older versions?
@Thaddeus Certainly! As you’ve probably seen if you’ve read more recent articles on Dance of Death’s development, it’s available to play at http://www.nolithius.com/dod
I’ve marked myself down tentatively for another release of Dance of Death for this year’s Annual Roguelike Release Party (http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php/2011_ARRP). Let’s see how feasible that is, keeping in mind that Legends of Aesthir, my latest project, is taking up most of my time.
so I have done many characters on your current version AND i think it is incredibly conceived BUT the create random character mostly fails online unfortunately. I have had less than 30% success rate. at the name character screen/tab. going normal (not create random char but instead create new) 100% funcionality. This project is worth more than you think, make some PC’ and nonPC’s more dungeons and several varients of race class type….etc