Crossword Dungeon is Now Available on iPhone!

It is with great honor and pleasure that I announce the launch of Crossword Dungeon, on the iPhone App Store.
Crossword Dungeon is a roguelike-like in which your character traverses a procedurally-generated crossword dungeon, wherein guessing the correct letter results in a critical hit to the monster on the tile, and the incorrect letter in trading blows with the aforementioned baddie.
There are three playable classes with unique skill trees: the Barbarian, with a focus on Gore Attacks and high damage; the Ranger, with a focus on revealing tiles and ranged attacks; and the Scoundrel, with a focus on Stealth attacks as well as a wide variety of opportunistic tricks.
The game is available for the iPhone/iPod Touch (iOS 5 and 6), please share it with your friends, and review it if you enjoy it!
Here are some in-game screenshots:
Congratulations! This is a *brilliant* idea. Perfection. The blend of the two game styles complement each other amazingly. I hope you sell a bazillion copies. #indiehighfive for you!
really doubt, but hope that this was inspired by my gamedevidea tweet 🙂
” #gamedevidea roguelike word game. the walls are made of letters – use them to create words and cast spells. letters change after being used. ”
hope it gets featured and does really well!
This game sounds really fun, are there plans to bring it to the android platform at all?
@McFunkypants, thanks for the support!
@fidgetwidget, Crossword Dungeon was actually inspired by me wishing I could be better at crosswords, and wanting a way to chip away at letters/words without hitting a wall as is wont to happen if you do not know a word, traditionally.
@Hunter, I’ve gotten a number of requests to bring it to Android, and it is certainly on the to-do list. First, iPad, then if that does well, major Android tablets and phones. 🙂
Great game! Found bug? As archer, killed bug on last (green) tile with arrow, not able to advance to next level when I enter green tile.
@demure That was one of the first bugs I took care of with the upcoming update. It was also unfortunately being triggered by the Barbarian’s Whirlwind skill. Thanks for the feedback!
I got the game a couple days ago, and I’m hopelessly hooked! Great job! 😀
While I’m at it, I guess I’ll report a couple bugs:
– The word “SCUTE” that shows no in-screen hint:
– “SCORCESE” is misspelt. The correct spelling would be “SCOR*S*ESE”.
– There’s a word (sadly, I can’t remember which one was it) which in-screen hint is too long, so it’s shown incompletely.
Hope it helps. 🙂
@Angel L, thank you for the feedback! I have already fixed the “scute” and “constantine” bugs (that was the word with the cutoff hint), but you are the first to report the “scorsese” error.
I am in the last few hours of testing the bug fixes and updates and should hopefully have a new version out within the next few days.
I am hopelessly addicted to this game. One small nitpick however, Riddley Scott directed Alien, not 2001 A Space Oddessy. That was Stanley Kubrick.
I also noticed a lot of Greek and Norse mythology questions. Is this a hobby interest of yours?
I downloaded this one about a week ago and I’ve been having a ball with it. I’m a crossword addict, and the RPG aspect adds some interesting diversity. I did notice a bug that I thought I should point out: Whenever I level and try to put points into the Rogue skill Professional, the number (0/5) doesn’t actually increase.
Any chance there will be a pc version? Looks cool, but I don’t have any of the devices it’s supported for and not likely to get one any time soon.