Crossword Dungeon 1.1.1 Released and Submitted to IndieCade
May 12th, 2014

The latest Crossword Dungeon version, 1.1.1, is now available on the App Store.
Version 1.1.1 brings a few bug fixes, a major XP tweak, over 100 new words, and, most importantly, the ability to win the game by completing dungeon level 40! Should you have a character deeper than dungeon level 40, the game will be won upon the next level’s descent.
Here is a more thorough list of the major changes:
- Added over 100 new words.
Gameplay Tweaks
- Game is now won when completing level 40!
- Modified XP required per level.
- Main icon slightly tweaked.
- Level Up has been slowed down to prevent accidental selections.
- Hall of Fame now shows which characters have won the game.
Bug fixes
- Berzerker Rage should no longer stack.
- Options now save properly.
- Hall of Fame now saves properly.
I’ve submitted Crossword Dungeon for consideration at IndieCade 2014 and will be sure to post an update should I have any news as to its selection. Here’s to hoping it’s well-received!
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