Dance of Death v0.2.23 Released!

Announcing the latest release of Dance of Death, version 0.2.23! This release continues to build up the main engine, and has at its core the new Character Creation system.
At this point, the game is still in a “tech demo” stage, insofar as not having a winning condition, and a number of incomplete or unimplemented features. However, feedback, as always, is much appreciated!
Needless to say, the past two weeks have been both fun and challenging. The earlier portion of this release’s development consisted in knocking out the small-ticket items, culminating with the implementation of Character Creation. The following have been implemented, modified, or fixed:
- Reduced screen size to 1080×640
- Character creation
- Dungeon depth is displayed above the map
- Ascending out of the first level is no longer allowed
- The monster generator now generates monsters depending on depth
- Item subtypes and weapon subtypes added
- Help screen implemented
- Interface cleanups in game and main menu
- The dungeon generator now is less likely to place doors in hallways
- Spacebar, along with Esc, now exits Inventory, Stat, or Help views
- Bug fixed: a door can no longer be closed if a monster is standing on it
- Bug fixed: leftover debug text removed from ‘open door’ command
All of the items outlined within my goals for this release have been completed, except for international keyboard discrepancies, which I will continue to keep an eye on, at the very least until configurable keys are implemented.
I reviewed your tech demo on my blog.
Many thanks for the feedback and exposure.
Much appreciated.
Somethings wrong with the putting points into spelunking and senses that makes it display 0. With senses if I put points in it shows the number I put in but then when I scroll it goes to 0. With spelunking it’s always 0. I can take the points back out though so it’s only that it shows the wrong number not that it eats my points.
Thanks for the bug report Jeff. I had not noticed this problem.
Looks like that was an indexing mistake where the skills below the fold were not being pulled properly.
Hey how about describing the item you are standing over? I mean if you walk over a belt it would be useful to get a message like, theres a belt laying here. So you don’t have to manually examine the tile.
By the way great game.
Hi Reaven,
That was the first feature I implemented on v0.3 (on schedule for release this week!).
Thanks for the feedback.