Experimenting with Bézier Curves

A few days ago, I stumbled upon the Wikipedia Article on Bézier Curves. As a fan of procedurally generated art, when I saw the fifth-order Bézier curve animation within that article, I was inspired to attempt my own Bézier curve drawing algorithm. This is what happened. In this article, on ANidea, I break down a basic Bézier curve algorithm and show how it can be generalized to create Nth order Bézier curves.
Hi Ebyan,
I already published this question on ANidea – hope to reach you faster here:)
I have the following problem: given are 4 anchor points (all of them are anchor points, meaning the curve goes through them). How can I calculate the equation for the curve, or find the control points in order to calculate the equation?
Hi M.G.,
I actually left you a response on the ANidea post!
This algorithm does not yield an equation for the Bezier curve. Instead, it plots point by point at each step.
You can modify the algorithm to instead of plotting points, insert them into an array and use them to draw your curve later on, if you like.
Best of luck!